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Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance
Guest Reviewer at: Reading Between the Wines book club
I sooooooooo get what you all were saying! This wasn't banter, teasing, or sniping, it was meanness. I was hanging in there until around the 40% mark when the hero is incredibly cruel to the heroine not in just an one on one situation but in front and with a mean girl from her past and present. My heroes always come through for the heroines in those situations.
I didn't feel the romance here, especially since they didn't really come together until the last 10% of the story, yes really, the VERY end.
This could all be my personal preference but you're honestly going to have like meanness between your leads to like this.
*I still like Jordan's overall writing, she is great at sexy sex scenes (hellooooo desk scene!) and will be giving her next book a try, which I hope will feature Struan the seemingly cold-hearted Scot.