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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

Currently reading

Heiress for Hire
Madeline Hunter
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Progress: 50%

Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Reading Update: 52%

Falling Hard: Bad Boys Undercover - HelenKay Dimon

He sure did like to give orders. She decided, after so little sleep and so much danger, she’d obey. “Yes, sir.”

Some of the tension left his face. “I probably like you saying that way more than I should.”

That made two of them. She balled her hands into tight fists and brushed them up and down her lap. “That sounds naughty.”

"I certainly hope so since I was imagining you saying it while naked.”