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Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance
Guest Reviewer at: Reading Between the Wines book club
By the time I got to book 3, I really wanted to like this one, especially with the connection to Devil in Winter. The humor and back and forth showed up more here that I love from Kleypas couples but not enough for me. Not sure if there was an abundance of sexy times in this one (I know, I know, not something to really complain about but hang in there with me, pervs) or I was just personally looking for something different.
This was my favorite from the series but honestly, I'm not sure if seeing Lord St. Vincent grace my romance pages played a huge part in that. Gabriel's mistress drama felt odd because it wasn't exactly fleshed out enough and in character driven stories like this, the couple's relationship has to be firing on all cylinders, which to me, it stagnated and didn't spark the way I wanted. What can I say, I'm greedy and I wanted more.