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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

Currently reading

Heiress for Hire
Madeline Hunter
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Progress: 50%

Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

April Read Roundup

Whew! It feels like April just flew right on by. I am so ready for some summer weather, I had snow floating in the air yesterday, BOOOOOOO. I know some actually had accumulation but I still want to complain. April was my Singles month (actually read some not in series, lol) and I'm super pleased with some on the hidden gems I discovered from this. Those selection books will be denoted with ***book cover***. I kind of want to keep blindly reaching into my book boxes but I must move on to another sub-genre of my tbr (I know all you book lovers get having sub-genres to your tbr :). I'm sure I don't need to tell you all because I'm sure you've been on pins and needles waiting for this month to come up, but May is my Random Number Generator month. How this differs from blindly plunking books out of boxes is I RNG from my Want-to-Read list on GRs. The thrill of what could be picked! If I don't already have the book or can't find it at my library, I will buy it, if I feel the price works for me. Anyway, I feel I had a good reading month and can't wait to see what awaits me in May :)


*Click on book cover to be taken to my review or if I didn't write one, the book's Goodreads page


5 stars




4 stars




3.5 stars


Under the Wire by HelenKay Dimon


3.3 stars


Sinful Scottish Laird by Julia London  ***Heart of Deception by Taylor Chase***


3 stars


Hot in Hellcat Canyon by Julie Anne Long


2.5 stars


***Sunshine by Robin McKinley***  ***Tortured by Amanda McIntyre***  The King's Executioner by Donna Fletcher  

***Caught on Camera with the CEO by Natalie Anderson***


2 stars


***The Paid Companion by Amanda Quick***  Once a Courtesan by Liana LeFey  ***Royal Lockdown by Rebecca York***  

***Have Mercy by Jo Leigh***  ***Rags To Riches Bride by Mary Nichols***  Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti


1.5 stars


Hard-Hearted Highlander by Julia London


1 star


Fifteen books read and 3.5 stars my highest rating, I thought I had a bit better reading month than that but I think ending on a good note and the pleasantly surprising random book box reads delighted me more than simple high ratings. 


How many books did you all get to read this month, any favorites?