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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

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Heiress for Hire
Madeline Hunter
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Progress: 50%

Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Pleasantly surprised

Clockwork Angel  - Cassandra Clare

Ok, so I ended up liking this one way more than I thought I would. It's categorized as YA and with leads that are seventeen, rightfully so. However, I thought our heroine Tessa and our teased hero Will acted and felt more in their early to mid-twenties; this maturity made the story better for me. 

The magical/paranormal/steampunk components were pretty cool and interesting to read about. Since the romance wasn't too developed (Tessa's story obviously doesn't end here, therefore her romance lead is just teased at) and while we get a great introduction to the author's paranormal world, not fully immersed, I think this ranks below Callihan's Darkest London series but I would make it a B- to Darkest London's A scale. 


I haven't read the Mortal Instruments series and this is supposedly it's prequel, so I'm a newbie to the world, any and all my enjoyment is from a fresh, maybe missing information perspective. After I finished, I immediately planned on reading the next in the series because, like I said, I really did enjoy this story. I saw friends who had read the series and read their reviews, even the spoiler ones. 


The rest I'm going to put in spoiler tags because I found some things out about the series that have made me decide not continue reading. DON'T READ if you don't want to be spoiled for the whole series.


Apparently, the author decides to go with a love triangle. Will who I thought was clearly marked to be the hero to Tessa gets put on the back burner in book two and Tessa instead gets super close with Jem, bf to Will. I'm not here for love triangles, I loathe them. I was in maybe mode to continue until I read reviews for book 3 and saw the author decided to combine Will and Jem's souls (not totally clear on this) so Tessa could get both (?). I don't want to be read a story like that, it sounds messy and unnecessary.

(show spoiler)


Anyway, glad I read this one but I won't be continuing with series.