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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

Currently reading

Heiress for Hire
Madeline Hunter
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Progress: 50%

Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Drowning in cheese

Royally Screwed - Emma Chase

Thank you to Lover of Romance for the recommendation. And has now cruelly added another series to my never ending stack :) 

I'm...I laugh to myself…I'm Cinderella, stepping into her coach to go to the ball. And even if this night is all there is, I won't forget it; I'll hold this memory close. Savor it, cherish it. It will make the hard times just a little easier, the lonely moments just a little less cold. When Ellie leaves for school, when I'm making pies before dawn in the kitchen day after day, I'll remember this feeling and I'll smile. This will get me through. 

Cotton candy, fluff, and cheese-fest. You could call this all of those and you'd be right but I couldn't help myself from eating it up with a spoon; even when I groaned and rolled my eyes. But hey, romance stories help get us through, don't they?

This is told is dual pov from our hero and heroine and had a bit of a New Adult vibe. Our hero danced across the boar line a couple times and was colored a bit too much with an overly cocky paintbrush, which I usually loathe. Look, I have no excuses.

I giggle again---feeling silly and light-headed. Possibly delusional. 

The heroine says it perfectly. I'm American and would never dishonor my ancestors by bowing a knee to royalty, and that is possibly how they get into my naughty taboo, I know I really shouldn't and that is why it's now hot category. The author's writing and tone is immensely readable, if not challenging. This is royalty fan fiction with no surprises and not a lot of depth but god help me, I read this in 24hrs with a goofy grin on my face most the time.

Don't read quote if you don't want a sneak peek at ending.

"He gave up a kingdom for you." 

(show spoiler)

If I had read this in my teens, I'd have worn out the spine in two years. Alas, I read this in my thirties, so while I probably won't re-read this into oblivion, my dopey grin will stick around for a while. 
Predictable, gooey, Cinderella-ish, and sugary satisfying. 

After a moment, Henry leans down and sniffs the pages distrustfully. 
"What do you smell?" Sarah asks.
Henry gives it another sniff. "It smells…old."
"Exactly!" She smells the pages herself, deep and long. "Paper and ink---there's nothing like it. The only thing that smells better than a new book is an old one."

The heroine of the next in the series already has my heart. Usually, this kind of story and trope only works for me once in a series but a book loving heroine? I MUST read it! Also, I NEED book three and the couple that stars in that one. NEED.