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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

Currently reading

Heiress for Hire
Madeline Hunter
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Progress: 50%

Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

October Roundup

Thanks to Halloween Bingo, I upped my reading game and got a lot in. I'm also a bit exhausted, lol. Time to leave the horror show behind and move on to some holiday themed reads :) There's another game on BookLikes and I'm going to try and participate in it as much as I can. The 16 Tasks of the Festive Season and the Rules. October was also my Start a New Series month and while some series might keep me from reading further on, others have me searching for the rest in the series. (Those selection books will be denoted with ***book cover***) November is back to Random Generator Month where I let the good ole' RNG decide which book off my GRs tbr list gets picked. The thrill, the excitement, the anticipation! I lead an exciting life I tell you. Hope you all had great reading months and can't wait to hear about your winners and losers.

*Click on book cover to be taken to my review or if I didn't write one, the book's Goodreads page


5 stars




4 stars




3.5 stars


Totally His by Erin Nicholas  The Bride Who Got Lucky by Janna MacGregor  Watchers by Dean Koontz  


No Other Duke Will Do by Grace Burrowes  ***Fever by Elizabeth Lowell***


3 stars


***Good Girls Do by Cathie Linz***  The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr  ***Caught by Jami Alden*** 


Dark Prince by Eve Silver  A Change of Heart by Sonali Dev  Honor by Jay Crownover


***These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer***


2.5 stars


Raining Men and Corpses by Anne R. Tan  ***Reforming a Rake by Suzanne Enoch***  The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith


2 stars


Haunted on Bourbon Street by Deanna Chase  ***Paradise by Judith McNaught***  ***The Wild One by Danelle Harmon***


A Rogue to Avoid by Bianca Blythe


1 star


***Seized By Love by Susan Johnson***


20 books read, which kind of shocks me because last month I read 21 and I could have sworn I read more this month. Anyway, I nice variety pack of ratings, no 4 stars boo but 3 out of the five highest rated were ARCs, pleasantly surprising. 8 were from my new series selections (Yeah for clearing up some book room!). Can't wait to see what RNG has in store for me this month :)


What were your highs and lows from the month?