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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

Currently reading

Heiress for Hire
Madeline Hunter
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King
Progress: 50%

Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Like a sugar addiction

Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals) - Erin Watt

Thank you to Hilda for the recommendation!


This is listed as YA and NA, which made me a little nervous along with our characters being in high school. LOL, is all I have to say to that.  Granted, I did not got to an uber rich school but this story and characters did not read like a YA, more NA. I constantly had to keep reminding myself that they weren't even in college yet, I think they read like 26ish or so. 


Very angst-y (she strips to pay her mother's doctor bills at age 15), very sexy times (heavy petting all over the place), and very drama (suicide mother, secret parking lot fighting, surprise inheritance, I want you but can't have you). Basically, this was soap opera cracktastic drama that I inhaled. When it was all over, a cliffhanger!, had me running to get the second in the series but giving some time and distance, I feel a little empty from it but it did entertain while I was in the moment. 


Some soap opera, some Cruel Intentions, and some brewing under the surface mystery. Get yourself a bowl of popcorn and wine and give yourself over to the moment. Just be prepared for a cliffhanger.