Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures
Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance
Guest Reviewer at: Reading Between the Wines book club
I finally admitted to myself that I don't have the mental or emotional energy this year to do the Romancies. I went through a reading slump that lasted longer than any I've ever had since I started blogging/talking books online (~2009). I think I accepted too many ARCs and got too far away from my "themed months" that helps to keep me reading a mixture of sub-genres and older and newer published. I also think reviewing ARCs has turned too much into PR work for me, personally. I joined Instagram (wonderful people on there and probably the most "positive" vibe) and adding just that one more social media account seemed to drain my energy. Anyway, the big wake-up call was missing out on Halloween Bingo on BookLikes, I love that community game! I think I have 19 ARCs left to review and then I'm taking a big step back from ARCs.
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, joyful, and copious amounts of reading time in the New Year :)
Clicking on the book cover takes you to my review or GoodReads book page if I didn't.
Top Ten Contemporary Romances
*I count any book I read in the year, regardless of publishing date