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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

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Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

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Heiress for Hire
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Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Written on Your Skin by Meredith Duran

Written on Your Skin - Meredith Duran

Incredible mother/daughter conversation in the first chapter. I really felt for both of them and could see both sides of the argument. There were a lot of insightful and very thought provoking comments in that conversation. The author's writing was very intense and spectacular.


This story definitely had a darker tone and may not be for everyone. I personally enjoyed the underbelly of human psyche aspect of the book.


This book was infused with intelligent humor and it was a treat to read a fresh, new view on regency romance stories. The romance field is starting to be over saturated with regency romance stories if you ask me; writers or publishing companies seem to have forgotten there are other historical time periods out there people wouldn't mind reading about. There were times when I was reading this story that the author's writing style made me think of Connie Brockway and faintly of Marsha Canham (but without the historical detail). This constitutes as very high praise from me.


This book took a long time for me to finish and I don't really know why. When I was reading it I felt very involved and the story had an emotional tenseness not found in a lot of books. However, when I stepped away from it, I found it very hard to get myself to pick it up again. I didn't feel the gripping desire to start reading the story I usually do with great books. It's so strange how I would find other things to do instead of getting back to the story. I think the bigger picture part of the story was not captivating enough.


On the other hand I enjoyed this author's intelligent, dark, intense writing style.
At the end of the day (forgive me I have been watching way too much Sportscenter) this book just didn't do it for me. I never felt a burning desire to finish the story. The beginning intrigued me but the middle and end dragged for me. Like I said before it is a different take on regency romance so if you want something new it might worth a shot. Phin and Mina have such dark, deep layers to their personalities that I kept thinking the best way to describe this book would be to call it a cold blooded romance story.