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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

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"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Marrying the Captain by Carla Kelly

Marrying The Captain - Carla Kelly

Hope you all are ready for this....
Right away I have distinct feelings for Nana (yeah wish her name was different) and Oliver and like them a lot. I have only read two chapters and already feel attached to these characters and can not wait to see how they come together.
The way the author writes Oliver's private thoughts was a huge boost to this story. An example of this and a part which made me laugh out loud was when Oliver was sick and woke up having to pee and thought Nana was still in the room:

“I think you’re needing this,” Pete said, his voice gruff, but not unkind.
“My blushes,” Oliver said. “I hope I didn’t embarrass Miss Massie.”
Pete put the urinal under the covers. “She’s tended me when I’ve been too ill to get out of bed. Gran cut up stiff, but Nana’s not a shrinking violet. If I hadn’t been available just now, she’d have done for you, too.”
Horrors, he thought, horrors. “I could get up and use the chamber pot,” he protested, but only feebly.

The "horror, he thought, horrors" part was hilarious and simply adding this part adds to Oliver's character and the story. These little things are what separates decent stories and great stories.
This author did it right and I was able to read about the rarest of all things, two people falling in love. This wasn't oh he/she is hot, fall into lust but thoughts and feelings building over time and honest to god emotion.
This book reminded me a lot of "All through the Night" by Connie Brockway (if you haven't read this book I demand you do). This story evoked similar emotions in me, the tone and way I was lost into the world the author created was reminiscent.
I was utterly lost in this world Carla Kelly created. If there was a loud noise I would almost shake awake and be like "What's that? A T.V.? What's that doing in the Mulberry Inn?" Scary I know, but when a book is good I get completely absorbed into it.


Uh, sigh (in a wistful way) when Nana reveals to Oliver why she left Bath:
He did something then that startled her. The captain gently cupped her face in his hands and then touched his forehead to hers, holding it there until they were breathing in unison.
“Remember this, Nana—not a bit of what happened was your fault.”

Talk about making my heart skip a beat.
So I'm not going to lie I just about cried like a baby when Oliver had to leave and put his cloak over Nana as she slept on a settee. HEART WRENCHING!!!
I defy anyone not to at least tear up at the conversations Oliver and Nana have when he is trying to convince her to marry him. And may I just say thank god for Mrs. Brittle!
I'm trying not to quote to much from this book but again, sigh, how romantic is it when Nana asks if Oliver will have time to think of her and he answers "I already do, Nana. It can get pretty quiet on an early-morning watch—just you, me and an ocean.” I can picture it clearly; Oliver standing on his ship deck alone watching the sun rise across the water thinking of Nana. (Insert another sigh here)


I'm a tough chick but without shame I can honestly say I felt like a sappy mess throughout most of this book. But thank god Kelly isn't a sadist like Marsha Canham and Pete (he lives with Nana and sort of a surrogate father) was no worse for wear at the end.
If I was going to complain at all it would be about some of the secondary characters. Gran and Pete could have been flushed out more. But this is a small complaint! I feel whiny for even complaining about this.


This kind of book takes emotional energy to read, it's not just a "slap and tickle". (hahah I have always wanted to type that saying into something I wrote. Strangely I never found a spot in any of my college papers.) I give my greatest compliments to Kelly and with simplicity say "Marrying the Captain" is a beautiful LOVE story. I could go on and on about this book but don't want to give to much away.
I have never read a Carla Kelly novel before but I am going right out and getting any and all of her books I possibly can.


Whew, I need to read a light hearted, dare I say shallow, book now. Perhaps some chick-lit…