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Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance
Guest Reviewer at: Reading Between the Wines book club
I knew "Miss Addison" from the first book in this series "Highlander Unbound" would appear in this book, great set-up by the author. The beginning scene in this book with "Mared" ,Liam and Grif's sister, and Payton Douglas makes me very excited for the third book in this series which I am assuming is going to have them starring in it. I love how Payton describes Mared "She was as pretty as she was insufferable".
Anyway back to Grif and Anna, I love how Grif calls Anna trouble and describes her saucy during their second introduction. I just felt like I was about to experience some really hot smoldering chemistry. I also like how the author has Grif taking a second look at Anna and then really seeing her, some great real life advice for everyone!
I didn't know what to think about Anna's scheme to attract a man, "Drake Lockhart" who obviously likes her sister, Anna is suppose to be a strong, smart woman but when Grif calls her a fool I found myself heartily agreeing.
Grif training Anna to be a seductress makes for some really great scenes. My heart softened for this couple after a make-out scene between them. They are both repairing each others appearances; for some reason Anna tying his necktie and him finger combing her hair w/out them really realizing what they are doing really tugged on my heart strings, great scene.
The sensual level of the book I would describe as overall steamy. In the scene where Grif has Anna in a chair and "teaches her a lesson" nothing could have pulled me away from finishing that scene, whoo-hoo hottt!
It was kind of a nice change to see the male lead being forlorn for the female. I don't know, this book wasn't a keeper for me but was a good sequel for the first in the series.