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WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Romance book talk, reviews, recipes, and dog pictures

Blogger Site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance

Guest Reviewer at:  Reading Between the Wines book club

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Heiress for Hire
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Doctor Sleep
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Kyraryker’s quotes

"She thought it over, but couldn’t see any immediate loopholes other than the threat of her inner slut emerging, and she could darned well control that little bitch."— Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Defiance by Stephanie Tyler

Defiance (Defiance #1) - Stephanie Tyler

Definitely suffered from first book in a series syndrome. The flow of the writing and story took me a long time to get used to (more than halfway through book). Also kind of felt like I missed the hero/heroine falling in love as they had known each other before and were hooking up for the second time. Look, I'm not even going to try and summarize this book, the plot is way to cray cray for me to sum up in a couple sentences. Suffice to say meteors hit earth, MCs run the show, and Susan B. Anthony would not be a happy camper.


I adore Stephanie Tyler's other military series (never read the Dire series) and at times I could feel her writing style trying to push through this convoluted mess. If this wasn't about the new trending topic of bikers I would have bet money this was one of her first written books.


The characters individually were interesting enough and even though the plot read like a crazy straw I still liked (not enthusiastically mind you) it.


If you can make it through the first half of the book you'll probably find it interesting. I did and I'm going to be waiting and buying the second book in the series to see what and where these characters end up in this wackadoodle world.

Luna and Rebel anyone? (Although I did raise an eyebrow to the line of Mathias (oops or Bishop?) checking up on Luna a lot towards the end of the book. Interesting.)